Meditation, Consciousness and Karma
“I've read a lot of spiritual teachers who talk about consciousness and awareness as our true nature. They say this true nature is inherently 'us' so there's nothing we can do to 'be it'. Does this resonate with your journey?”
Sometimes, there’s a certain amount of karma that has to be transcended before we’re ready for true transformation.
Karma is simply your inner work, your inner processes of attachments and desires. It’s all the ways the world has gotten in our hearts and obscured our deeper nature.
So while on the deepest layer, it’s true that we’re all sharing in the same essence and that that essence is inherently free and ever present, it isn’t always helpful or true that a person is ready to discover and live from it.
A certain degree of inner work is needed—and a certain degree of grace also.
This is where meditation is particularly helpful. It’s not just a tool for discovering our ‘buddha nature’, our true inner being. It’s also a path for recognizing the hang ups and inner roadblocks that keep our hearts from living there.