Exhale Blog
All blog posts are the result of Q&A’s and conversations with followers of this platform. Got a question? Shoot me an email.
I’ve ‘Awakened’. Now What?
An 'awakening' experience reframes one's whole sense of self and vision of the world. What is one to do in their work and relationships and life after undergoing such a radical experience?
Finding Your Own Path
‘I can’t seem to let go of the guilt, fears and insecurities of my old religion…’
The Art of Zen
Enlightenment' and 'awakening' are often branded as bliss states that free us from the pains and discomforts of life. This is not the whole story—and that’s good news.
True Meditation: Resting as Awareness
Meditation is more than simply sitting cross legged and observing our breath—it's a way of transforming the way we meet life itself.